Acton, G. (1997). The mediating effect of affiliated-individuation in caregivers of adults with dementia. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 15(4), 336-357.
Acton, G., Mayhew, P., Hopkins, B., & Yauk, S. (1999). Communicating with persons with dementia: The impaired person's perspective. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 25(2), 6-13.
Acton, G.J., Irvin, B.L., Jensen, B.A., Hopkins, B.A., & Miller, E.W. (1997). Explicating midrange theory through methodological diversity. Advances in Nursing Science, 19(3), 78-85.
Acton, G.J., & Miller, E.W. (1996). Affiliated-individuation in caregivers of adults with dementia. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 245-260.
Ayon, M.A. & Parson M.L. (2010). Modeling and Role Modeling: Promotion of Self-Care
Knowledge, Resources, and Actions Through Environmental Resources in a Regional
Health System. International Journal for Human Caring, 14(3), 66.
Baas, L.S. (2004). Self care resources and activity as predictors of quality of life in persons after myocardial infarction. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 23(3), 131-138.
Baas, L.S., Beery, T.A., Allen, G.A., Wizer M., and Wagoner, L.E. (2004). An exploratory study of body awareness in persons with heart failure or transplant. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(1), 32-40.
Baas, L.S., Beery, T.A., Fontana, J.A., & Wagoner, L.E. (1999). An exploratory study of developmental growth in adults with heart failure. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 17(2), 117-138.
Baas, L.S., Deges-Curl, E., Hertz, J., & Robinson, K. (1994). Innovative approaches to theory based measurement: Modeling and role-modeling research. Advances in Nursing Science Series: Advances in Methods of Inquiry for Nursing, 5, 147-159.
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., & Bhat, G. (1997). Relationships between self-care resources and the quality of life of persons with heart failure: A comparison of treatment groups. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 12 (1), 25-38.
Baldwin, C.M. (1996). Perceptions of hope: Lived experiences of elementary school children in an urban setting. The Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health, 2 (3), 41-45.
Baldwin, C.M. (2002). Early menopause and self-care: Gauging it's impact on holistic health. AWHONN Lifelines, Vol. 6(4), pp. 373-76.
Baldwin, C.M. (2004). Interstitial cystitits and self-care: Bearing the burden. A case study. Urological Nursing.
Baldwin, C.M. & Herr, S. (2004). The impact of self-care practices on treatment o interstitial cystitis. Advanced Clinical Practice.
Baldwin, C.M., Hibbeln, J., Herr, S., Lohner, L., Core, D. (2002). Self-care as defined by members of the Amish community utilizing the theory of modeling and role-modeling. Journal of Multicultural Nurs & Health, pp.
Barnfather, J. (1993). Testing a theoretical proposition for modeling and role-modeling: A basic need and adaptive potential status. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 13, 1–18.
Barnfather, J.S. & Ronis, D.L. (2000). Test of a model of psychosocial resources, stress, and health among undereducated adults. Research in Nursing and Health, 23, 55-66.
Barnfather, J., Swain, M.A., & Erickson, H. (1989). Construct validity of an aspect of the coping process: Potential adaptation to stress. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 10, 23- 40.
Barnfather, J., Swain, M.A., & Erickson, H. (1989). Evaluation of two assessment techniques for adaptation to stress. Nursing Science Quarterly, 2, 172-182.
Bartholomew, K. (1990). Avoidance of intimacy: An attachment perspective. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7, 147– 178.
Beery, T., & Baas, L. (1996). Medical devices and attachment: Holistic healing in the age of invasive technology. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 233-243.
Beery T.A., Baas, L.S., Fowler, C., & Allen, G. (2002). Spirituality in persons with heart failure. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 20(1), pp. 5-30.
Beery, T., Baas, L.S., and Henthorn C. (2007). Self reported adjustment to implanted cardiac devices. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 22(6), pp, 516-24.
Beery, T., Baas, L.S., Mathews, H., Burrough, J., & Henthorn, R. (2005). Development of the Implanted Devices Adjustment Scale. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 24(5),242-248.
Campbell, J., Finch, D., Allport, C., Erickson, H., & Swain, M.A. (1985). A theoretical approach to nursing assessment. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 10, 111-115.
Darling-Fisher, C., & Leidy, N. (1988). Measuring Eriksonian development of the adult: The modified Erikson psychosocial stage inventory. Psychological Reports, 62, 747-754.
Erickson, H. (1983). Coping with new systems. Journal of Nursing Education, 22 (3), 132-135.
Erickson, H. (2007) Philosophy and theory of holism. Nursing Clinics of North America, 42, 140.
Erickson, H., & Swain, M.A. (1990). Mobilizing self care resources: A nursing intervention for hypertension. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 11 (3), 217-235.
Erickson, H., & Swain, M.A. (1982). A model for assessing potential adaptation to stress. Research in Nursing and Health, 5, 93-101.
Erickson, M. (1996). Predictors of maternal-fetal attachment: An integrative review. On-line Journal of Knowledge Synthesis in Nursing, 3 (8).
Erickson, M.E. (1996). Factors that influence the mother-infant dyad relationships and infant well-being. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 185-200.
Folse, V.N. (2007). The family experience with eating disorders scale: Psychometric analysis. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 21(4), 210-221.
Hertz, J.E. (1996). Conceptualization of perceived enactment of autonomy in the elderly. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 261-273.
Hertz, J.E. (2008). PERSON-centered care: Key to quality care of diverse older adults. SIGN Supporting Innovations in Gerontological Nursing, 15(5), 1, 3.
Hertz, J.E., & Anschutz, C. (2002). Relationships among perceived enactment of autonomy, self-care, and holistic health in community-dwelling older adults. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 20, 166-186.
Holl, R. (1993) Role-modeled visiting compared with restricted visiting on surgical cardiac patients and family members. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 16(2):70–82.
Irvin, B.L., & Acton, G. (1996). Stress mediation in caregivers of cognitively impaired adults: Theoretical model testing. Nursing Research, 45(3), 160-166.
Irvin, B.L. & Acton, G.J. (1997). Stress, hope and well-being of women caring for family members with Alzheimer's disease. Holistic Nursing Practice, 11(2), 69-79.
Jensen, B.A. (1999). You make the diagnosis: Case study. Nursing Diagnosis: The Journal of Nursing Language and Classification, 10(4), 134, 148, 169-170.
Jensen, B.A. (1997). Caring for the caregiver. Home Care Provider, 2 (6), 34-36.
Kinney, C.K. (1990). Facilitating growth and development: A paradigm case for modeling and role-modeling. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 11, 375-395.
Kinney, C.K. (1996). Transcending breast cancer: Reconstructing one's self. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 201-216.
Kinney, C.K., Rodgers, D.R., Nash, K. & Bray, C. (2003). Holistic Healing for Women with Breast Cancer Through a Mind, Body, and Spirit Self-Empowerment Program. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 21, 260-279.
Kline-Leidy, N. (1990). A structural model of stress, psychosocial resources, and symptomatic experience in chronic physical illness. Nursing Research, 39, 230-236.
Kline-Leidy, N. & Traver, G.A. (1995). Psychophysiologic factors contributing to functional performance in people with COPD: Are there gender differences? Research in Nursing & Health, 18, 535-546.
Koren, M.E. & Papamiditriou, C. (2013). Koren, M.E. & Papamiditriou, C. Holistic Nursing Practice, 27(1), 37-44.
Landis, B.J. (1996). Uncertainty, spiritual well-being, and psychosocial adjustment to chronic illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 217-231.
Leidy, N. (1989). A physiologic analysis of stress and chronic illness. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 14, 868-876.
Leidy, N. (1994). Operationalizing Maslow's theory: Development and testing of the Basic Needs Satisfaction Inventory. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 15, 277–295.
Leidy, N.K., & Traver, G.A. (1995). Psychophysiological factors contribution to functional performance in people with COPD: Are there gender differences? Research in Nursing and Health, 18, 535–546.
MacLean, T. (1992). Influence of psychosocial development and life events on the health practices of adults.>br>Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 13, 403-414.
Mayhew, P.A., Acton, G.J., Yauk, S., & Hopkins, B.A. (2001). Communication from individuals with advanced dementia: Can it provide clues to their sense of self-awareness and well-being? Geriatric Nursing, 22, 106-110.
Nash, K. (2007). Evaluation of the Empower peer support and education program for middle school-aged adolescents. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 25, 26-36.
Ozbolt, J. (1987). Developing decision support systems for nursing-theoretical bases for advanced computer systems. Computers in Nursing, 5, 105-111.
Perese, E. (2002). Integrating psychiatric nursing into a baccalaureate nursing curriculum. Journal of the American Association of Psychiatric Nurses, 8 (5), 152-158.
Raudonis, B. & Acton, G.J. (1997). Theory-based nursing practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26(1), 138-145.
Robinson, K.R. (1994). Developing a scale to measure denial levels of clients with actual or potential myocardial infarctions. Heart and Lung, 23, 36–44.
Rogers, S. (1996). Facilitative affiliation: Nurse-client interactions that enhance healing. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 171-184.
Sappington, J., & Kelley J.H. (1996). Modeling and role-modeling theory: A case study of holistic care. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 14(2), 130-141.
Timmerman, G.M., & Acton, G.J. (2001). The relationship between basic need satisfaction and emotional eating. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 22 (7), 691-701.
Walsh, K.K., Vanden Bosch, T.M., & Boehm, S. (1989). Modelling and Role-Modelling: Integrating nursing theory into practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 14, 775-761.
Weber, G.J. (1999). The experiential meaning of well-being for employed mothers. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 21 (6), 785-795.
Published Articles on Modeling and Role-Modeling
Acton, G. (1997). The mediating effect of affiliated-individuation in caregivers of adults with dementia.
Journal of Holistic Nursing, 15(4), 336-357.
Acton, G., Mayhew, P., Hopkins, B., & Yauk, S. (1999). Communicating with persons with dementia: The impaired person's perspective.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 25(2), 6-13.
Acton, G.J., Irvin, B.L., Jensen, B.A., Hopkins, B.A., & Miller, E.W. (1997). Explicating midrange theory through methodological diversity.
Advances in Nursing Science, 19(3), 78-85.
Acton, G.J., & Miller, E.W. (1996). Affiliated-individuation in caregivers of adults with dementia.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 245-260.
Ayon, M.A. & Parson M.L. (2010). Modeling and Role Modeling: Promotion of Self-Care
Knowledge, Resources, and Actions Through Environmental Resources in a Regional
Health System. International Journal for Human Caring, 14(3), 66.
Baas, L.S. (2004). Self care resources and activity as predictors of quality of life in persons after myocardial infarction.
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 23(3), 131-138.
Baas, L.S., Beery, T.A., Allen, G.A., Wizer M., and Wagoner, L.E. (2004). An exploratory study of body awareness in persons with heart failure or transplant.
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(1), 32-40.
Baas, L.S., Beery, T.A., Fontana, J.A., & Wagoner, L.E. (1999). An exploratory study of developmental growth in adults with heart failure.
Journal of Holistic Nursing, 17(2), 117-138.
Baas, L.S., Deges-Curl, E., Hertz, J., & Robinson, K. (1994). Innovative approaches to theory based measurement: Modeling and role-modeling research.
Advances in Nursing Science Series: Advances in Methods of Inquiry for Nursing, 5, 147-159.
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., & Bhat, G. (1997). Relationships between self-care resources and the quality of life of persons with heart failure: A comparison of treatment groups.
Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 12 (1), 25-38.
Baldwin, C.M. (1996). Perceptions of hope: Lived experiences of elementary school children in an urban setting.
The Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health, 2 (3), 41-45.
Baldwin, C.M. (2002). Early menopause and self-care: Gauging it's impact on holistic health.
AWHONN Lifelines, Vol. 6(4), pp. 373-76.
Baldwin, C.M. (2004). Interstitial cystitits and self-care: Bearing the burden. A case study.
Urological Nursing.
Baldwin, C.M. & Herr, S. (2004). The impact of self-care practices on treatment o interstitial cystitis.
Advanced Clinical Practice.
Baldwin, C.M., Hibbeln, J., Herr, S., Lohner, L., Core, D. (2002). Self-care as defined by members of the Amish community utilizing the theory of modeling and role-modeling.
Journal of Multicultural Nurs & Health, pp.
Barnfather, J. (1993). Testing a theoretical proposition for modeling and role-modeling: A basic need and adaptive potential status.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 13, 1–18.
Barnfather, J.S. & Ronis, D.L. (2000). Test of a model of psychosocial resources, stress, and health among undereducated adults.
Research in Nursing and Health, 23, 55-66.
Barnfather, J., Swain, M.A., & Erickson, H. (1989). Construct validity of an aspect of the coping process: Potential adaptation to stress.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 10, 23- 40.
Barnfather, J., Swain, M.A., & Erickson, H. (1989). Evaluation of two assessment techniques for adaptation to stress.
Nursing Science Quarterly, 2, 172-182.
Bartholomew, K. (1990). Avoidance of intimacy: An attachment perspective.
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7, 147– 178.
Beery, T., & Baas, L. (1996). Medical devices and attachment: Holistic healing in the age of invasive technology.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 233-243.
Beery T.A., Baas, L.S., Fowler, C., & Allen, G. (2002). Spirituality in persons with heart failure.
Journal of Holistic Nursing, 20(1), pp. 5-30.
Beery, T., Baas, L.S., and Henthorn C. (2007). Self reported adjustment to implanted cardiac devices.
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 22(6), pp, 516-24.
Beery, T., Baas, L.S., Mathews, H., Burrough, J., & Henthorn, R. (2005). Development of the Implanted Devices Adjustment Scale.
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 24(5),242-248.
Campbell, J., Finch, D., Allport, C., Erickson, H., & Swain, M.A. (1985). A theoretical approach to nursing assessment.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 10, 111-115.
Darling-Fisher, C., & Leidy, N. (1988). Measuring Eriksonian development of the adult: The modified Erikson psychosocial stage inventory.
Psychological Reports, 62, 747-754.
Erickson, H. (1983). Coping with new systems.
Journal of Nursing Education, 22 (3), 132-135.
Erickson, H. (2007) Philosophy and theory of holism.
Nursing Clinics of North America, 42, 140.
Erickson, H., & Swain, M.A. (1990). Mobilizing self care resources: A nursing intervention for hypertension.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 11 (3), 217-235.
Erickson, H., & Swain, M.A. (1982). A model for assessing potential adaptation to stress.
Research in Nursing and Health, 5, 93-101.
Erickson, M. (1996). Predictors of maternal-fetal attachment: An integrative review.
On-line Journal of Knowledge Synthesis in Nursing, 3 (8).
Erickson, M.E. (1996). Factors that influence the mother-infant dyad relationships and infant well-being.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 185-200.
Folse, V.N. (2007). The family experience with eating disorders scale: Psychometric analysis.
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 21(4), 210-221.
Hertz, J.E. (1996). Conceptualization of perceived enactment of autonomy in the elderly.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 261-273.
Hertz, J.E. (2008). PERSON-centered care: Key to quality care of diverse older adults.
SIGN Supporting Innovations in Gerontological Nursing, 15(5), 1, 3.
Hertz, J.E., & Anschutz, C. (2002). Relationships among perceived enactment of autonomy, self-care, and holistic health in community-dwelling older adults.
Journal of Holistic Nursing, 20, 166-186.
Holl, R. (1993) Role-modeled visiting compared with restricted visiting on surgical cardiac patients and family members.
Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 16(2):70–82.
Irvin, B.L., & Acton, G. (1996). Stress mediation in caregivers of cognitively impaired adults: Theoretical model testing.
Nursing Research, 45(3), 160-166.
Irvin, B.L. & Acton, G.J. (1997). Stress, hope and well-being of women caring for family members with Alzheimer's disease.
Holistic Nursing Practice, 11(2), 69-79.
Jensen, B.A. (1999). You make the diagnosis: Case study.
Nursing Diagnosis: The Journal of Nursing Language and Classification, 10(4), 134, 148, 169-170.
Jensen, B.A. (1997). Caring for the caregiver.
Home Care Provider, 2 (6), 34-36.
Kinney, C.K. (1990). Facilitating growth and development: A paradigm case for modeling and role-modeling.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 11, 375-395.
Kinney, C.K. (1996). Transcending breast cancer: Reconstructing one's self.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 201-216.
Kinney, C.K., Rodgers, D.R., Nash, K. & Bray, C. (2003). Holistic Healing for Women with Breast Cancer Through a Mind, Body, and Spirit Self-Empowerment Program.
Journal of Holistic Nursing, 21, 260-279.
Kline-Leidy, N. (1990). A structural model of stress, psychosocial resources, and symptomatic experience in chronic physical illness.
Nursing Research, 39, 230-236.
Kline-Leidy, N. & Traver, G.A. (1995). Psychophysiologic factors contributing to functional performance in people with COPD: Are there gender differences?
Research in Nursing & Health, 18, 535-546.
Koren, M.E. & Papamiditriou, C. (2013). Koren, M.E. & Papamiditriou, C.
Holistic Nursing Practice, 27(1), 37-44.
Landis, B.J. (1996). Uncertainty, spiritual well-being, and psychosocial adjustment to chronic illness.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 217-231.
Leidy, N. (1989). A physiologic analysis of stress and chronic illness.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 14, 868-876.
Leidy, N. (1994). Operationalizing Maslow's theory: Development and testing of the Basic Needs Satisfaction Inventory.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 15, 277–295.
Leidy, N.K., & Traver, G.A. (1995). Psychophysiological factors contribution to functional performance in people with COPD: Are there gender differences?
Research in Nursing and Health, 18, 535–546.
MacLean, T. (1992). Influence of psychosocial development and life events on the health practices of adults.>br>Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 13, 403-414.
Mayhew, P.A., Acton, G.J., Yauk, S., & Hopkins, B.A. (2001). Communication from individuals with advanced dementia: Can it provide clues to their sense of self-awareness and well-being?
Geriatric Nursing, 22, 106-110.
Nash, K. (2007). Evaluation of the Empower peer support and education program for middle school-aged adolescents.
Journal of Holistic Nursing, 25, 26-36.
Ozbolt, J. (1987). Developing decision support systems for nursing-theoretical bases for advanced computer systems.
Computers in Nursing, 5, 105-111.
Perese, E. (2002). Integrating psychiatric nursing into a baccalaureate nursing curriculum.
Journal of the American Association of Psychiatric Nurses, 8 (5), 152-158.
Raudonis, B. & Acton, G.J. (1997). Theory-based nursing practice.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26(1), 138-145.
Robinson, K.R. (1994). Developing a scale to measure denial levels of clients with actual or potential myocardial infarctions.
Heart and Lung, 23, 36–44.
Rogers, S. (1996). Facilitative affiliation: Nurse-client interactions that enhance healing.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 17, 171-184.
Sappington, J., & Kelley J.H. (1996). Modeling and role-modeling theory: A case study of holistic care.
Journal of Holistic Nursing, 14(2), 130-141.
Timmerman, G.M., & Acton, G.J. (2001). The relationship between basic need satisfaction and emotional eating.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 22 (7), 691-701.
Walsh, K.K., Vanden Bosch, T.M., & Boehm, S. (1989). Modelling and Role-Modelling: Integrating nursing theory into practice.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 14, 775-761.
Weber, G.J. (1999). The experiential meaning of well-being for employed mothers.
Western Journal of Nursing Research, 21 (6), 785-795.