Baas, L.S. and Conway, G.A. (2004). Psychosocial aspects of heart failure management.
In S. Stewart, D.D. Moser, & D. Thompson (Eds), Caring for the heart failure patient: A textbook for the healthcare professional. pp. 197-209. London: Martin Dunitz Publishers.
Baas, L.S. (2001). Midrange nursing theories and related nonnursing theories: Modeling and Role Modeling.
In D. Robinson and C.P. Kirsch (eds), Core Concepts in Advanced Practice Nursing. pp. 426-431. St. Louis: Mosby.
Baas, L.S., Bradshaw, L., Kolcaba, K., Niemer, L.M., & Robinson, D. (2001). Midrange nursing theories and related non-nursing theories.
In D. Robinson & C.P. Kish, Core Concepts in Advanced Practice Nursing. pp. 417-443. St. Louis: Mosby.
Baas, L.S., Conway, G.A. (2004). Psychosocial aspects of heart failure management.
In S. Stewart, D.D. Moser & D. Thompson (Eds), Caring for the heart failure patient: A textbook for the healthcare professional. pp. 197-209. London: Martin Bunitz Publishers.
Baas, L.S., Curl, E.D., Hertz, J.E., & Robinson, K.R. (1994). Innovative approaches to theory-based measurement: Modeling and role-modeling research.
In P.L. Chinn (Ed), Advances in Nursing Science Series: Advances in methods of inquiry for nursing. pp. 147-159.
Baas, L. & Smith, L. (2010). Evidenced-based nursing practice, holistic care and advanced nursing practice.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 262-282). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Baas, L.S., Trupp, R., & Abraham, W.T. (2001). Supportive resources for the person with heart failure.
In D. Moser & B. Riegel (eds), Improving outcomes in heart failure: An interdisciplinary approach. pp. 201-218. Gaitherburg, MD: Aspen.
Barnfather, J.S. (1990). An overview of the ability to mobilize coping resources related to basic needs.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol 1, No. 1. pp. 156-169. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role- Modeling.
Benson, D. (2006). Coping with stress.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 240-274. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Boodley, C.A. (1990). The experience of having a health examination.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 170-177. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling.
Bowman, S.S. (2002). The modeling and role-modeling theory.
In J.B. George (Ed.), Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Brekke, M. and Schultz, E. (2006). Energy theories: Modeling and Role-Modeling.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 33-66. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Clayton, D.K. (Ed.). (2017). Making preschool physical exams fun! Theory-based research strategies (6th edition). Searcy, AR: Author.
Clayton, D., Erickson, H., Rogers, S. (2006). Finding meaning in our life journey.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 391-410. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Clayton, D.K. & Erickson, M. (2010). Nurse’s experiences: Sources of knowledge.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 287-310; 373-374). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H. (1990) Theory based nursing.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 1-27. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role- Modeling.
Erickson, H. (1990) Self-care knowledge.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 178-202. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role- Modeling.
Erickson, H. (1996). Holistic healing: Intra/Inter relations of person and environment. (Guest Editor) Issues of Mental Health Nursing Vol. 17, No. 3.
Erickson, H. (2002). Facilitating generativity and ego integrity: Applying Ericksonian methods to the aging population.
In B.B. Geary and J.K. Zeig, (Eds), The Handbook of Ericksonian Psychotherapy, AZ: Zeig Tucker Publications.
Erickson, H. (2006). Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited, (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Erickson, H. (2006). Searching for life purpose: Discovering Meaning.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 5-32. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Erickson, H. (2006). Connecting.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and role-modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 301-323. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited, (ISBN No. 0- 9779203-0-5).
Erickson, H. (2006). Facilitating development.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A View From the Client's World. pp. 346-390. TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Erickson, H. (2006). Nurturing growth.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A View From the Client's World. TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0- 9779203-0-5), pp. 324-345.
Erickson, H. (2006). The healing process.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A View From the Client's World. pp. 411-34. TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0- 9779203-0-5).
Erickson, H. (2009). Paradigm choices: implications for nursing knowledge.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Exploring The Context And Essence Of Holistic Nursing: Modeling And Role-Modeling For Nurse Educators. Cedar Park TX: Unicorns Unlimited. In press.
Erickson, H.L. (2010). A voice from the past: Factors that impact professional behavior.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 5-31). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H.L. (2010). Paradigm choices: Implications for nursing knowledge.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 32-51). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H.L. (2010). Looking to the future: Curriculum implications.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 70-95). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H.L. (2010). Discovery-learning methods: Learning to think.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 96-120). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H.L. (2010). Facilitating exploration of the Modeling and Role-Modeling philosophy.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling:
Erickson, H.L. & Erickson, M.E. (2010). Ways-of-knowing and the metaparadigm.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 52-69. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H.C., Tomlin, E., & Swain, M.A. (2005). Modeling and role-modeling: A theory and paradigm for nursing. Cedar Park, TX (ISBN No. 0-9763385) (Original work published 1983, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-586180-2)
Erickson, M.E. (2006). Developmental processes.
In H. Erickson (Ed). Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 121-180. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Erickson, M.E. (2006). Attachment, loss and reattachment.
In H Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 207- 239. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Erickson, M.E. (2002). Modeling and role-modeling.
In A.M. Tomey & M.R. Alligood, Nursing theorists and their work (5th ed.); pp. 443 - 464). St. Louis: Mosby.
Erickson, M.E. (2002). Modeling and role-modeling theory in nursing practice.
In M.R. Alligood & A.M. Tomey, Nursing theory: Utilization & application (2nd ed.) pp.339 - 366)., St. Louis: Mosby.
Erickson, M., & Clayton, D.K. (2010). Synthesizing knowledge.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 183-206; 367-368). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, M.E., Erickson, H.L., and Jensen, B. Affiliated- Individuation and Self-Actualization: Need Satisfaction as prerequisite.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 182-207. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Finch, D.A. (1990). Testing a theoretically based nursing assessment.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 203-213. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling.
Frisch, N.C., & Bowman, S.S. (2002). The modeling and rolemodeling theory.
In J.B. George (Ed.), Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Frisch, N., & Kelley, J. (1996). Healing Life's Crises. Delmar. ISBN No. 0-8273-6399–0.
Hertz, J.E. (1999). Testing two self-care measures in elderly home care clients.
In S.H. Gueldner & L.W. Poon (Eds.), Gerontological nursing issues for the 21st century, pp. 195-205. Indianapolis: Center Nursing Press.
Hertz, J.E. (2009). Self-care.
In P.D. Larsen & I.M. Lubkin (Eds.), Chronic illness: Impact and intervention (7th ed.). Chapter 13, pp. 299-318. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Hertz, J.L. & Baas, L.S. (2006) Self-care: Knowledge, resources, and action.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 5-32. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Hertz, J.E., Irvin, B.L., Bowman, S.S. (2010). Issues for a culturally diverse society.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 228-261). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Holland, C. (2010). Embracing the journey.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 329-353). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Jensen, B.A. (2001). Family Stress and Alzheimer's Disease.
In M. Lunney, Critical thinking and nursing diagnosis: Case studies and analyses, pp. 96-98. Philadephia: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association.
Johns, C. (2010). Reflection as a Way-of-Being in practice.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 311-328). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Kinney, C. (2006). Heart-to-heart Nurse-client relationships.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 277-299. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Kinney, C.K. (2010). Facilitating personal knowledge development.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 171-182). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
MacLean, T. (1990). Health behaviors, developmental residual and stressors.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 147-155. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling.
Rogers, S. & Erickson, H.L. (2010). Facilitating the Modeling and Role-Modeling process.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 142-169). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Schultz, E.D. (2009). Modeling and Role-Modeling.
In S.J. Peterson & T.S. Bredow (Eds.), Middle range theories application to nursing research (2nd Ed,), pp. 233-253. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Schultz, E. (2010). Evaluating student growth.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 207-227). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Walker, M. and Erickson, H. (2006) Mind-Body-Spirit Relations. In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 5-32. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Books & Book Chapters on Modeling & Role-Modeling
Baas, L.S. and Conway, G.A. (2004). Psychosocial aspects of heart failure management.
In S. Stewart, D.D. Moser, & D. Thompson (Eds), Caring for the heart failure patient: A textbook for the healthcare professional. pp. 197-209. London: Martin Dunitz Publishers.
Baas, L.S. (2001). Midrange nursing theories and related nonnursing theories: Modeling and Role Modeling.
In D. Robinson and C.P. Kirsch (eds), Core Concepts in Advanced Practice Nursing. pp. 426-431. St. Louis: Mosby.
Baas, L.S., Bradshaw, L., Kolcaba, K., Niemer, L.M., & Robinson, D. (2001). Midrange nursing theories and related non-nursing theories.
In D. Robinson & C.P. Kish, Core Concepts in Advanced Practice Nursing. pp. 417-443. St. Louis: Mosby.
Baas, L.S., Conway, G.A. (2004). Psychosocial aspects of heart failure management.
In S. Stewart, D.D. Moser & D. Thompson (Eds), Caring for the heart failure patient: A textbook for the healthcare professional. pp. 197-209. London: Martin Bunitz Publishers.
Baas, L.S., Curl, E.D., Hertz, J.E., & Robinson, K.R. (1994). Innovative approaches to theory-based measurement: Modeling and role-modeling research.
In P.L. Chinn (Ed), Advances in Nursing Science Series: Advances in methods of inquiry for nursing. pp. 147-159.
Baas, L. & Smith, L. (2010). Evidenced-based nursing practice, holistic care and advanced nursing practice.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 262-282). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Baas, L.S., Trupp, R., & Abraham, W.T. (2001). Supportive resources for the person with heart failure.
In D. Moser & B. Riegel (eds), Improving outcomes in heart failure: An interdisciplinary approach. pp. 201-218. Gaitherburg, MD: Aspen.
Barnfather, J.S. (1990). An overview of the ability to mobilize coping resources related to basic needs.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol 1, No. 1. pp. 156-169. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role- Modeling.
Benson, D. (2006). Coping with stress.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 240-274. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Boodley, C.A. (1990). The experience of having a health examination.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 170-177. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling.
Bowman, S.S. (2002). The modeling and role-modeling theory.
In J.B. George (Ed.), Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Brekke, M. and Schultz, E. (2006). Energy theories: Modeling and Role-Modeling.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 33-66. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Clayton, D.K. (Ed.). (2017). Making preschool physical exams fun! Theory-based research strategies (6th edition). Searcy, AR: Author.
Clayton, D., Erickson, H., Rogers, S. (2006). Finding meaning in our life journey.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 391-410. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Clayton, D.K. & Erickson, M. (2010). Nurse’s experiences: Sources of knowledge.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 287-310; 373-374). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H. (1990) Theory based nursing.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 1-27. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role- Modeling.
Erickson, H. (1990) Self-care knowledge.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 178-202. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role- Modeling.
Erickson, H. (1996). Holistic healing: Intra/Inter relations of person and environment. (Guest Editor) Issues of Mental Health Nursing Vol. 17, No. 3.
Erickson, H. (2002). Facilitating generativity and ego integrity: Applying Ericksonian methods to the aging population.
In B.B. Geary and J.K. Zeig, (Eds), The Handbook of Ericksonian Psychotherapy, AZ: Zeig Tucker Publications.
Erickson, H. (2006).
Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited, (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Erickson, H. (2006). Searching for life purpose: Discovering Meaning.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 5-32. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Erickson, H. (2006). Connecting.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and role-modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 301-323. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited, (ISBN No. 0- 9779203-0-5).
Erickson, H. (2006). Facilitating development.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A View From the Client's World. pp. 346-390. TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Erickson, H. (2006). Nurturing growth.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A View From the Client's World. TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0- 9779203-0-5), pp. 324-345.
Erickson, H. (2006). The healing process.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A View From the Client's World. pp. 411-34. TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0- 9779203-0-5).
Erickson, H. (2009). Paradigm choices: implications for nursing knowledge.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Exploring The Context And Essence Of Holistic Nursing: Modeling And Role-Modeling For Nurse Educators. Cedar Park TX: Unicorns Unlimited. In press.
Erickson, H.L. (2010). A voice from the past: Factors that impact professional behavior.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 5-31). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H.L. (2010). Paradigm choices: Implications for nursing knowledge.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 32-51). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H.L. (2010). Looking to the future: Curriculum implications.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 70-95). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H.L. (2010). Discovery-learning methods: Learning to think.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 96-120). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H.L. (2010). Facilitating exploration of the Modeling and Role-Modeling philosophy.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling:
Erickson, H.L. & Erickson, M.E. (2010). Ways-of-knowing and the metaparadigm.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 52-69. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, H.C., Tomlin, E., & Swain, M.A. (2005).
Modeling and role-modeling: A theory and paradigm for nursing. Cedar Park, TX (ISBN No. 0-9763385) (Original work published 1983, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-586180-2)
Erickson, M.E. (2006). Developmental processes.
In H. Erickson (Ed). Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 121-180. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Erickson, M.E. (2006). Attachment, loss and reattachment.
In H Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 207- 239. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Erickson, M.E. (2002). Modeling and role-modeling.
In A.M. Tomey & M.R. Alligood, Nursing theorists and their work (5th ed.); pp. 443 - 464). St. Louis: Mosby.
Erickson, M.E. (2002). Modeling and role-modeling theory in nursing practice.
In M.R. Alligood & A.M. Tomey, Nursing theory: Utilization & application (2nd ed.) pp.339 - 366)., St. Louis: Mosby.
Erickson, M., & Clayton, D.K. (2010). Synthesizing knowledge.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 183-206; 367-368). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Erickson, M.E., Erickson, H.L., and Jensen, B. Affiliated- Individuation and Self-Actualization: Need Satisfaction as prerequisite.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 182-207. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Finch, D.A. (1990). Testing a theoretically based nursing assessment.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 203-213. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling.
Frisch, N.C., & Bowman, S.S. (2002). The modeling and rolemodeling theory.
In J.B. George (Ed.), Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Frisch, N., & Kelley, J. (1996).
Healing Life's Crises. Delmar. ISBN No. 0-8273-6399–0.
Hertz, J.E. (1999). Testing two self-care measures in elderly home care clients.
In S.H. Gueldner & L.W. Poon (Eds.), Gerontological nursing issues for the 21st century, pp. 195-205. Indianapolis: Center Nursing Press.
Hertz, J.E. (2009). Self-care.
In P.D. Larsen & I.M. Lubkin (Eds.), Chronic illness: Impact and intervention (7th ed.). Chapter 13, pp. 299-318. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Hertz, J.L. & Baas, L.S. (2006) Self-care: Knowledge, resources, and action.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 5-32. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Hertz, J.E., Irvin, B.L., Bowman, S.S. (2010). Issues for a culturally diverse society.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 228-261). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Holland, C. (2010). Embracing the journey.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 329-353). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Jensen, B.A. (2001). Family Stress and Alzheimer's Disease.
In M. Lunney, Critical thinking and nursing diagnosis: Case studies and analyses, pp. 96-98. Philadephia: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association.
Johns, C. (2010). Reflection as a Way-of-Being in practice.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 311-328). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Kinney, C. (2006). Heart-to-heart Nurse-client relationships.
In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 277-299. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).
Kinney, C.K. (2010). Facilitating personal knowledge development.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 171-182). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
MacLean, T. (1990). Health behaviors, developmental residual and stressors.
In H. Erickson & C. Kinney (Eds.), Modeling and Role-Modeling: Theory, practice and research. Vol 1, No. 1, pp. 147-155. Austin: The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling.
Rogers, S. & Erickson, H.L. (2010). Facilitating the Modeling and Role-Modeling process.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 142-169). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Schultz, E.D. (2009). Modeling and Role-Modeling.
In S.J. Peterson & T.S. Bredow (Eds.), Middle range theories application to nursing research (2nd Ed,), pp. 233-253. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Schultz, E. (2010). Evaluating student growth.
In H.L. Erickson (Ed.), Modeling and role-modeling: Educational and practice implications (pp. 207-227). Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited.
Walker, M. and Erickson, H. (2006) Mind-Body-Spirit Relations. In H. Erickson (Ed), Modeling and Role-Modeling: A view from the client's world. pp. 5-32. Cedar Park, TX: Unicorns Unlimited (ISBN No. 0-9779203-0-5).